Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fundamentals of futsal
  1. If you make a mistake and lose the ball, chase it even if you are a striker and have to run all the way back. This is more attitude and discipline than skill.

  2. Always know where your teammates are especially when you don't have the ball. This will allow you to make passes the moment you get the ball.

  3. Do not try to dribble the ball alone past the whole opposing team.

  4. Off the ball movement is very important. This is harder to master than being on the ball. You have to learn how to open up spaces, make yourself available for a pass and drag away defenders to make space for your teammates.

  5. Passing is important. A misplaced pass in a small court can lead to dangerous counterattacks.

  6. Mental strength is important. Do not feel disappointed when your teammate makes poor decisions. It is important the team morale is kept high.

How to become a good Defender in futsal

  1. Always keep an eye on the runner or striker from the opposing team. As the last man of the team, the defender should never let the runner or striker get the through pass or high lob pass.

  2. While defending, it is important to pressure and mark the opposing team striker. Giving him too much space will allow him to receive passes and shoot. The term “shadow” means to follow and pressure him. Do not attempt to steal the ball. Find the correct distance to mark your player. Marking too close will cause problems if the striker is able to twist and turn or cut you on your side.

  3. NEVER go for a tackle if you are not 100% sure you will get the ball. Always anticipate and wait for your opponent to move.

  4. Watch the ball and not the body because you want to tackle the ball not the player. Defenders could sometimes get fooled by body movement so it is important not to get confused.

  5. Never stand straight while defending. Always stand left or right depending on your opponent’s movement. This will allow you to run back to defend on the left or right without delay after your opponent has cut the ball past you. Take note that both your feet are not opened too wide to avoid “oles”.

  6. Positioning, anticipation and cutting a pass or through pass is one of the most important part of being a Defender. The defender has to position himself quite far apart from the striker but not too far. This is called luring which means to let the opponents have the impression that their striker is unmarked. As the pass is made, the defender would be able to intercept it. To perfect this baiting and luring technique requires time, practice, fast movement and anticipation. Quick feet movement and fast body reaction needs to be perfected to fully utilize this technique.

  7. If you are cornered or pressured, always pass the ball back to your goalkeeper. Do not attempt to hit it upwards.

  8. ALWAYS pass. Do not try to dribble especially if you are the last man.

  9. Do not be afraid to attack. Defenders can use the 1-2 to get forward fast. However, it is important to track back once the ball is lost.

  10. Always be alert. Look around the court and release the ball to your teammates who are unmarked once you have the chance.

In fustal, defenders not only play as defenders but as playmakers too. By practicing passes, defenders are a team's playmaker and chance-creator by giving the important passes and balls to their teammates. Every decision making move is basically in the hands of the defender who is closest to the goalkeeper.

Compiled and Edited by: Joseph